Checklist & Guidelines

Guideline for a 2023 Helen Carswell Proposal:

The purpose of this guideline is to keep you focused on describing how your project will help the community, including the benefits to Community Music Schools of Toronto at Jane Finch. The sections and questions below may be used to create an outline for your proposal. However, the questions are not mandatory; they should be regarded as prompts to help you articulate your ideas in a community-engaged way. Your proposal should include a cover page, project description and appendices (see below for the list of necessary appendices to include).

Heading/Cover page: Project title/ date/ name and contact information of the principal investigator(s)/ current position of investigator(s)/ faculty affiliation(s) of the investigator(s)

Outline and Description of the project: Use subheadings in your project description; it will be easier to read.

Paragraph 1: Introduction – background and definitions (150 – 300 words):

  • Which problem(s) in the community will your project address? / What is your claim? (use statistics, anecdotes, quotations, etc.)
  • What is the general concept and the narrow topic?
  • Include your research questions here
  • How is this problem relevant to Community Music Schools of Toronto at Jane Finch? / Why is it important for this school to address this problem? (Make reference to the research priorities in the CFP)
  • What will happen if this problem is not addressed? / Why should they care?

Paragraph 2: Describe your project (150 300 words):

  • What is your objective? What will your project achieve?
  • What are your deliverables?
  • Who will benefit most from this project in the community?
  • Why is this approach best for Community Music Schools of Toronto at Jane Finch? Are there any limitations?
  • What was the response from your consultation with the community music school’s representatives (if applicable)?
  • Will your research involve human participants?
  • Will your research involve human participants from the community music school?

Paragraph 3: Methodology (150 300 words):

  • How will you achieve your objectives?
  • Will you use qualitative/quantitative methods?
  • Are you using participants from the community music school (staff and/or students)? If so, how?
  • How does your methodology abide by current protocols and restrictions?

Paragraph 4: Impact & Implementation (150 300 words):

  • In what ways do you hope to share your findings?
  • What are the short-term impacts of your project?
  • What are the long-term impacts of your project?
  • How can your findings be implemented at a community arts organization and/or a community music school?
  • How will your findings be implemented at Community Music Schools of Toronto at Jane Finch specifically?

Paragraph 5: Restate the relevance/importance of your project.

  • Make reference to the goals in the CFP and your research objectives
  1. Timeline
    • How long will your project last? Outline the stages of your project.
  2. Budget
    • List any and all expenses specific to your project here
    • How many hours will you work per month? (for graduate students only, Carswell hourly rate= $50/h)
    • Do you need special equipment? How much will it cost?
    • Are there costs for travelling?
    • Do you need to consult with anyone? How much will they charge?
  3. CV (2 pages max.)
    • Identify relevant qualifications and experiences of the principal investigator(s)
  4. Supporting letters
    • Include a statement attesting you have met with CMST to discuss the project (if your project involves participants from this school). This should be signed by Vanessa Chase or Richard Marsella of Community Music Schools of Toronto.
    • Include any other supporting letters from community or research partners for the proposed project.
  5. Bibliography
  6. Self-Identification Form
    • Applicants wishing to self-identify as part of York University’s Affirmative Action program can do so by downloading, completing and submitting the form found here.


Use the following checklist to ensure that you have addressed the requirements of the CFP:

  • Heading/Cover page
  • Description of the project
  • Appendices:
    • Timeline
    • Budget
    • Biography and/or relevant CV
    • Letter of Intent signed by CMST (if applicable) and/or other Supporting Letters
    • Bibliography
    • Self-Identification Form (optional)